Lower Grammar supplies

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Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:55 pm

Lower Grammar supplies

Post by SarahC »

Hello Lower Grammar mommas!

I hope you all have had a great summer and are savoring the last little bit. I wanted to reach out about LG supply list since the forum is down.
I would like for each student to have the following

2 in binder
pencil pouch or an area in their backpack is sufficient to carry the following

sharpened pencils
small 24 count crayons
broad line markers
2 glue sticks
safety scissors

We won't use all of these things every week, but keeping them in their backpack will come in handy so it won't be a "oh I need to bring this to ToG this week" kind of thing and one less thing to worry about.

We will be doing handwriting pages and basic grammar lessons in every co-op, some memory songs and read alouds sprinkled here and there when applicable for writing class. We will be using First Language Lessons for the well trained mind and some lessons from Writing With Ease. You do not have to purchase these.
I have Tapestry of Grace handwriting pages, and started to print them for everyone, but it contains A LOT of pages, and I am unsure if they will be useful to your kiddos depending on their level. I will attach the first unit to give you an idea, and leave it up to you if you would like to print them at home.

In History we will be learning memory songs, read alouds, geography map work, and some activities from the guide.
If you would like a song about creation, here is one that we like to listen to at home. Tip:if you have Alexa, she will play it, there are ASL hand motions available on youtube as well.


This is my first year teaching LG, so hopefully we can find a groove of what works well.
See you all soon!

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