Rhetoric Literature: Julius Caesar 2

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Rhetoric Literature: Julius Caesar 2

Post by LeeAnnP »

I am struggling with Google - alas I cannot create a new document today. Instead I found most of the homework I wanted in the archives, so you will have to go on a scavenger hunt:)

Read the rest of the play.
Consider the question we talked about in class: who is the tragic hero?
Do the rhetoric exercise you find in the archives.
Go to "archives" at the bottom of the board index on the forum.
Choose Year 1
Choose Rhetoric
Look for Julius Caesar Unit Co-op 16
Down load the page and scroll. It should look familiar from last weeks homework.
Then you will come to the pages about Rhetorical Devices. There is a page with description. Then pages with a place to analyze Brutus's and Mark Antony's speeches based on the definitions on previous page.

Good luck. Hope you can find it::)

Mrs. P
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