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R History Co Op 1 Questions

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:08 am
by AmberS
Hello, students! I look forward to seeing you all in just a few weeks. Here is your first assignment. A couple of things to note:

1) I know the date on this is WRONG. I saved this as a PDF years ago, and while each assignment will not be exactly like ones from previous years this is a good starting point for year 2. Rather than type all of this out again I am just posting the PDF copy from that year.

2) Yes, print the timeline, and fill it in. Follow the instructions carefully if you're a newbie. Actually, all of you should follow the instructions carefully.

I am praying for each of you as we start yet another year of Tapestry. It is going to be a great year!

~Mrs Scroggs