Art - For Coop #1

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Art - For Coop #1

Post by MPiscatello »

This prep work should be pretty light for the first coop:

Watch this video of Samuel Palmer…
(Samuel Palmer - British Landscape Artist - youtube) It is under 3 minutes.

First watch the video all the way through.. Then while you are watching it a second time, have a piece of paper and pencil ready. Pause on each of the 18 works. For each work jot down the FIRST thing your eye is drawn to. Then write down what the subject of the work is. Bring that to class.
  • 1. lollipop , carnival
    2. unicorn, mythological scene of animals
    3. ….. you get the idea ;D
Note that not all of these works are pen an ink, however, the art concepts we will be talking about this year are masterfully illustrate in them.

Read through this very brief history of pen and ink. The second document has pictures of the referenced illustrations.
Pen and Ink Background.pdf
(245.97 KiB) Downloaded 174 times
Pen and Ink History.pdf
(3.37 MiB) Downloaded 220 times
Be alert for illustrations in books that are done simply with pen and ink. Notice the different strokes of the pen-work. This is where you engage your "artist's eye"... don't just look at the effect of the pen strokes, but take time to SEE
  • the directionality and width of the strokes;
    the use of dots;
    how they get things to look round; etc.
We will be using different techniques in class to make a variety of drawings.

You may want to ask your parents about looking up the ORIGINAL illustrations for some of your literature books this year!

Looking forward to a fantastic year of art! Be sure to have your non mechanical pencils/erasers/pens with you for this class.

With joy, Mrs. P
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