Worship Schedule and Guidelines

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Worship Schedule and Guidelines

Post by LeeAnnP »

Guidelines for planning worship:

Each family will be responsible for planning a 10 minute devotion time based on the assigned line of the
Apostle's Creed. This time should include a group recitation of the creed - hoping the kids can have it memorized by the end of the year (you can work on this at home too:). This is NOT intended to be an elaborate deep dive into theology, but a time to involve your children in reading scripture and speaking in front of a safe, supportive crowd. As you prepare your devotion, think about all the age levels present. Include scripture and prayer. Relate it to what we are studying or experiencing in our current times, if possible. You are not responsible for the music.

Please print and keep up with your assigned day and topic.

After your devotion we will sing hymns on this schedule:
Co-ops 1-4 - Holy God We Praise Thy Name - based off Celtic chant/Latin text (we will sing in English)
Co-ops 5-8 - A Mighty Fortress is Our God - Luther's Reformation hymn
Co-ops 9-12 - O God Our Help in Ages Past -1708 Isaac Watts
Co-ops 13-15 - O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing - 1738 - Charles Wesley

Co-op 1 - Intro - Pepper
Co-op 2 - I believe in God, the Father Almighty - Kirkman
Co-op 3 - Maker of heaven and earth - Ragland
Co-op 4 - And in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son - Gardner
Co-op 5 - Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit - Ingalls
Co-op 6 - Born of the Virgin Mary - Brown
Co-op 7 - Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried - Searl
Co-op 8 - He descended into hell - Scroggs
Co-op 9 - On the third day he rose from the dead - Knuppenburg
Co-op 10 - He ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty - Greeley
Co-op 11 - From there he shall come again to judge the living and the dead - Boren
Co-op 12 - I believe in the Holy Spirit - Combs
Co-op 13 - The Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints - Green
Co-op 14 - The forgiveness of sins - Givan
Co-op 15 - The resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting - Taylor
Co-op 16 - Closing or Make-up Day
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