Art --Prep for Class Coop 3

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Art --Prep for Class Coop 3

Post by MPiscatello »

Dear DIALECTIC Families,

I am certainly excited we will be adding the pre-rhetoric to our art class the next four coops! We will first be learning about cartography (map making). Please plan to bring to the NEXT TWO COOPS the following items:

Colored Markers
Colored pencils (if you have them - I can't remember if I required these as I have quite a few)
Ink Pen - like a fine line G-2 type or similar in black and blue

Additionally, I would like you to turn in some (hand written) observations based on the questions provided and referring to the attached maps. This exercise should only take about 30 minutes. I apologize that it is super late to post, however, it will help us move into our art project much sooner if you are able to complete this prior to class. Please turn this in to me prior to worship with your name on it. It is likely easiest to view the maps on the computer and zoom in and out to look at them. It will take a lot of ink to print them, so I don't recommend it.

"Cartography has always had a dual nature. There those who consider cartography an art form. Others consider cartography an exact science of how one can flatten a rounded object and not distort the image."

We shall consider the art form :D
Cartography Prep Work.pdf
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